

Criterion Referenced Tests Not Current 2012/13 and prior This test was used prior to the adaptive SAGE test and measured ELA/Math/Science. No link seems to be available (maybe the department of ed removed it to eliminate confusion)


Student Assessment of Growth and Development Current 2013/14 - Current SAGE is a unique-to-Utah system of assessments designed to support and measure success and growth. The SAGE system includes: Summative end-of-year tests that are used in state and federal accountability systems (required), Interim fall and winter tests that inform instruction and monitor student progress (optional), and Formative teacher tools and instructional supports that provide resources for daily instruction (optional). http://www.schools.utah.gov/sage/ (Accessed 5/23/16)


Utah Academic Language Proficiency Assessment Not Current 2012/13 The Utah Academic Language Proficiency Assessment (UALPA) is designed to assess the academic English language proficiency level of English language learners. The primary purpose of this assessment is to provide educators with a total proficiency score for use in their schools, districts, and state, as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Students will be assessed in the four language acquisition modalities of Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. http://www.schools.utah.gov/arc/aa/UALPA-General-Instructions.pdf (Accessed 5/23/16)

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