

Full name: Arizona's Instrument to Measure Standards

Status: Discontinued (reading, writing, math). Current (science).

Years of Usage: 1999-2000 to 2013-2014. Science test still current.

Replaced by: AZMerit (for reading, writing, and math)

Description: AIMS was a standardized test administered by the State of Arizona, developed around Arizona Academic Content Standards. This test was used as part of a High School graduation requirement until it was replaced by AzMERIT. AIMS is still used to assess Science standards for grades 4, 8 and High School.

URL: - accessed 04/26/2016 - accessed 04/26/2016 - accessed 04/26/2016


Full name: AZ Measure of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching

Status: Current

Years of Usage: November 2014 to Present

Replaced by: n/a

Description: AzMERIT (Arizona’s Measurement of Educational Readiness to Inform Teaching) is Arizona’s new statewide achievement test, based on new standards for Reading, Writing, and Math. Grades 3-8 are tested in ELA and Math, and High School students are given an End of Course (EOC) test in ELA and Math.

URL: - accessed 04/26/2016

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